Drizzler Gasifier

Luk Vanhauwaert describes The DriZzleR Gasifier as producing “tar-free gas with a basic simple gasifier. The DriZzleR and a basic simple fuel feed technique the DriZzling method”.

Stuart Perkins describes this by saying, “The concept is incredibly simple. By restricting the amount of fuel being gasified to that which is near the pyrolysis zone, that is, no “full” hopper above, you eliminate the excessive tars being produced. By keeping the tars being produced to an absolute minimum, these tars are quite handily cracked by the pyrolysis zone, and voila…engine grade gas. Sometimes, the simplest solutions evade us for years… We, people, are too smart to do simple things. Good job Luk, for being smart enough to try something so obvious the rest of us missed it.”

The video below shows the components of the gasifier design with out cyclone, cooler, filter, or generator, just the basic gasifier unit. It appears more straightforwardly than the closed Imbert designs, and most people could build this! Luk suggests the primary unit can be made in a couple of hours. The apparent success is essentially down to a simple design and the ‘drizzling’ of feedstock into the pyrolysis zone. While there are no plans, a great deal of information and videos can be found on the DriZzleR Blogspot.